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Yes but most people take them off.

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Q: Do BMXs have kick stands
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What is better felt BMXs or salt BMXs?

i would say felt is better. salt is a sub branch of wethepeople.

What does M.A.S.O. stands for?

stronger, faster, better kick

Ck and roll?

ck stands for kick i think

What does jkfyl satnd for?

it STANDS for: just kick forward you loser

What is TKD stand for in Tae Kwon Do?

TKD stands for Tae Kwon Do. T stands for Tae (kick). K stands for Kwon (punch). D stands for Do (way).

What famous people rode BMXs in the Olympics?

jai toohey? terry adams ? im not sure

What are the benefits of using kick stands for bikes?

Using kick stands for bikes provides convenience by allowing the bike to stand upright without leaning against something. This prevents damage to the bike and makes it easier to park and access. Kick stands also promote safety by reducing the risk of the bike falling over and causing accidents.

What are the best type of bike stands that can support bikes?

New kick stands for bikes can be purchased at most bike stores. They are universal stands that can be attached to most bike models and are sturdy as well as reliable.

Define corner kick in soccer?

Well it basically explains itself... one person from the team that didnt kick the ball out of bounds stands in the corner closest to the other teams goal. They kick the ball to their team, and the game continues from there.

Are all felt bmx bikes a 3 piece cranks?

no because if u see different bmxs the look well different

How do you restart a basketball game when a goal is scored?

Kick-off Direct free kick Indirect free kick Penalty kick Corner kick Goal kick Throw-in Drop ball

What is HIKE mean on Facebook?

In the social networking site Facebook HIKE stands for: Harmful Indians Kick Everything