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You'll need to shorten the chain. It'll make acceleration easier, but it'll cut top speed.

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Q: Do 30t sprockets fit on 1 piece cranks?
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Does a 25t sprocket fit a 2 piece?

Yes, and 3 piece cranks.

Does a 25t sprocket fit a 3 piece?

Yes Pretty much all 3 piece cranks should fit any sprocket you buy for them.

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yea but i has to fit duhhh

How do you tell what size bmx pedals you need?

1 piece cranks need the 1/2 inch pedals while 2-3 piece cranks use 9/16th. Just to help the newbies out there. OPC or one piece cranks mean the arm that holds the pedal is just one piece of steel that goes from pedal to pedal through the bottom bracket (where the bearings ride). Those only use ½" size threads on the pedals. 3 piece cranks are identifiable as each arm is separate and bolted onto the spindle which is part of the bottom bracket. 3 piece refers to 2 arms + the bottom bracket. Only 9/16" (which are bigger than the ½") threads fit those arms. Don't forget the left arm is backwards thread, so to loosen you turn it righty tighty. The right arm is normal so lefty loosy to remove.

Are fit BMX bikes powder coated?

Yes all parts are except for the stems and sprockets witch are anodized. I perfer you get one.

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It will if you have bmx (or bmx style) cranks.

Will a 1989 Honda cr 250 crankshaft work in a 1990 Honda cr 250?

Yes, it will fit and do fine! 1986 - 1991 are the same cranks.

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I'm also looking for a one piece bar for my a1 but in my point of view I can find any which can fit in.

Would a three piece crank for a mountain bike work for a BMX?

yes... if you have the right bottom bracket... it has to fit the cranks as in 19 20 21 or 22mm most likely......... and it has to be the right size for the frame.. if its bmx it will probably be US size or euro, spanish or standard. if you find the right bottom bracket with the right size bearings then yes..

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4 pieces of A4 fit on one piece of A2.

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a lot

Will a kohler 321 crank work in a 341?

Not unless you don't like the head. The kohler 341s and 341h are the only inter changable cranks. The piston out of a 289 chevy will fit.