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what is the deffernce between old time tennis and modern tennis what is the deffernce between old time tennis and modern tennis

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Q: Did old time tennis players have to stay behind the line when they served?
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Were is the volley ball served on the court?

it is served at the back of the court, behind the line(;

Where is the ball served from in volleyball?

Behind the back line of the court.

Is a tennis serve in when it hits the center line but on the side not served to?

Yes, as long as it touches a line (even the outside of the center line) it is considered in. -Te lol

Where do players line up to start a soccer game?

They Line up behind the center in there positions

Does tennis have a judge?

In professional tennis -- such as the grand slam opens -- there are line judges who call the balls out, and the players also can challenge calls, in which case they use the computer replay to determine where the ball hit. In lower levels of tennis, such as high school tennis, the calls are made by the players, and in case of disagreement there is usually a redo of the point.

Where is baseline on tennis court?

The farest line from the net parralell from the net. The server stands behind it.

When foul shooting where can the other players stand excluding the lane players in relationship to the three point line?

Free throw line extended but behind the 3 point arch.

What is the 10ft line for in beach volleyball?

There is no 10ft line in beach volleyball, but in indoor it is to ensure that the backrow players are attacking from behind it

Can you serve a tennis ball from outside the doubles alley?

They Can Serve behind the baseline BEHIND and in line with the alley if that's what you mean.

Is tennis a noun?

Tennis racquet Tennis ball Net Players The court The audience The stands The line judges The ball kids The points The vibration dampeners The lines The watching benches

What is a backfield?

A backfield is the area of play in football behind the offensive or defensive line, or the players positioned in this area.