As long as he didn't pass that STD on to his wife. But oh yeah, Karma rules.
an std
Not necessarily. If he has an STD, that does not mean he got it from sleeping around. He could have had it from birth (his parents) or he could have gotten it from a girl before he was married.
Most STD's are caused by Bacteria. To give a few examples: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia... (etc)
One lifestyle that can give you cancer is getting the STD called HPV.
Anything from an STD to a luxury yacht. He could give her happnest if she just give him a chance.
hi yes it safe unless she have a STD or STI then u get it
No, but it could give you an STD.
rihanna did not give chris brown std they had got into a fight and every thing else is a lie so do not belive what they say they are some lieing b***H'S
#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; }