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Yes, white spirit is very good to use when regripping a Golf club. It is in my opinion, the next best alternative if you don't have grip solvent.

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15y ago
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14y ago

No, you can now blow them on with an air gun and compressor. But if you don't have this you can use petrol (gas), grip solvent or white spirit.

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11y ago

You need new grip tape.

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Q: Can you use rubbing alcohol to Re grip a golf club?
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A type of golf grip on a golf club?

i have a Winn type of grip and it works great

What is the diameter of a golf club grip and head?

Grip: It depends what grip you are using Head: about 45in.

What is golf grip tape?

Golf grip tape is currently a generic product. There are many manufacturers of double sided sided tape. It is simply a way of attaching a golf grip to a golf club.

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What is a golf club handle called?

shaft my hubby says its a grip

What is a bubble shaft on a golf club?

it is a taylor made golf shaft that has a smaller dia at the bottom of the grip .

How do you remove the rubber grip from a golf club?

You put the club in a rubber vice and tighten. Then get a Stanley knife with a hooked blade, put it at the bottom of the grip and pull the knife towards the butt end of the club. You then use some grip solvent or white spirit to remove the old grip tape. And then you can start putting on your new grip.

Can you snap a golf club and re grip it?

the club will not be up to its normal height (obviously) but the club should be OK as long as the shaft hasn't split when it snapped

Why not wear gloves on both hands to play golf?

Basically, if you are right-handed, then the left hand is placed onto the club grip first, and it is to stop the club slipping that the left glove is worn. The right hand is then placed partially over the left hand with only the rignt index finger and thumb actually touching the grip. There would therefore be no point in wearing a glove on the right hand.

Is it legal to put a hurling or tennis grip over your golf grip for better feel?

No, the grip must conform to the rules of golf.

Three types of grip in golf?

they have the interlocking grip,the overlapping grip,and the Baseball grip

What is a safe household cleaner for golf club grips?

You shouldn't really use any house hold cleaner on golf club grips as it will destroy them, enjoy the mild ones. A clean towel and clean water is absolutely perfect. You can buy some specialist golf grip cleaners over the internet or in golf shops.