

Best Answer

Any score from 0 - 300 is theoretically possible. A 180 game can occur several ways. Most 180s I've gotten had 2-3 open frames without a large sequence of strikes in a row. Any score up to and including 290 can be achieved in more than one way. Above that, there is only one possible way to get that score. For a list of scores and the probability of getting certain ones see below related link.

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Q: Can you score 180 in bowling?
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In bowling does the highest score win or the lowest?

lowest score wins bowling

What is the maximum score of bowling?

In standard tenpin bowling, a 300 is a perfect score.

What is a perfect score for a bowling game?

the perfect score in bowling is 300 which is all strikesThis guy named John Bates is 84 and got a perfect score on Wii bowling 2,850 times!what is I do to reach perfect score in bowling? If I practice practice practice very hard and carefully for my bowling game then I might reach perfect score in bowling game.

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What is a good score in ten pin bowling?

The top score possible in bowling is a 300 which can only be achieved by getting a strike in every frame. There are only a select few people who have ever acheived this and there is an official record of their names. Because of the scoring type used in bowling, getting a spare in every frame- ie, knocking down the same number of pins as in a 300 game- will give you a 200 score. Typically a good bowling score at a league level (a league being a competitive bowling club) would be over 175. For social bowlers who do not bowl as regularly, a good score would be around 130ish. No cheating tho, bumpers down. ;)

How do you score a game of bowling?

To score you need to hit the pins.

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Why is 160 an impressive bowling score?

It's relative to the player and their bowling average.

What is the lowest scored game in bowling ever?

The lowest score possible in bowling is zero.

What sport can you get 180 on?

You can score 180 on darts

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