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The lowest score possible in Bowling is zero.

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Q: What is the lowest scored game in bowling ever?
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Which sport or game is connected with frame?

Bowling is scored in frames.

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Is negative eight in bowling good or bad?

A negative eight in bowling is impossible. The lowest score one can have for a game is 0.

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No, no NHL player has ever scored a goal in every game of the season.

What is the highest team scratch game for a 5 man bowling team in sanctioned play ever scored?

3,937 Pro Bowl West Chattanooga, TN April 7th, 2009 this must be for team series, not team game.

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300 simple best possible score in bowling is 300 so the same must be in a video game

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What is the lowest single game point for an NFL game?

The lowest possible score in a game where both teams have scored is 3-2. One team would get a field goal while the other would get a safety.

What was the lowest Michael Jordan scored in a pro game?

two thousand eight hundred and fifty four

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