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You should be able to jog / walk a marathon if you have no major medical problems ..... running one or finishing in any kind of decent time would require lots of training unless you are already a marathon conditioned athlete.

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Q: Can you run a marathon with little to no training?
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Use marathon in a sentence?

There is a lot of training to be done before you can run in a marathon.

Where can I get training to run a marathon?

You should train to run a marathon little by little. For example, first start off with a short distance and slowly build up so that it's not to hard on yourself. Buy a timer so you know how long it took you.

Where can I find a marathon training program in my town?

You can find information about marathon training at the Breast Cancer Marathon website. If you're going to be running you may want to run for a cause! You can check out the website here:

What components of fitness are used in a marathon and what methods of training do you think would be best when training for a marathon?

Running a marathon is considered an aerobic activity requiring a lot of endurance. The best way to train for any activity or event is simply to perform activity specific training. In this case, training the body to run a marathon would be to run long distances.

How early should I start a half marathon training schedule before the race?

You should start training for a half marathon as early as possible. You will then be in the best shape, and you will be able to run to the best of your ability.

What is the best training marathon program?

Hal Higdon sells a series of marathon training programs. He guarantees marathon success by following the programs. Check out his Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, available at:

What has the author Marnie Caron written?

Marnie Caron has written: 'Marathon and half marathon' -- subject(s): Training, Marathon running 'Marathon and half marathon' -- subject(s): Marathon running, Training

Your period came early with little blood and you are training for a marathon is the training the reason?

it could very well be, although it depends on how hard you train

Where may one find a good guide for people wanting to learn about marathon running?

There are a number of websites that provide good guides for people wanting to learn about marathon running. For example, there are training guides on sites such as Runner's World, Marathon Rookie or Cool Running that provide good tips and advice on how to train and run a marathon. Alternatively, there a number of good guides you can purchase, such as 'The Expert's Guide to Marathon Running', 'The Marathon and Half-Marathon', or 'Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide'.

What kinds of training should you assist on doing for a 13 year old to run their first half marathon in the U.S.A?

A 13 year old is too young to run a half marathon. The minimum age in the UK is 17.

What is a good marathon training plan?

There are many marathon training plans available online. Many are aimed at beginners who have little or no experience with running. Almost with no exception these plans focus on easy running only and get you to run 20 miles once or twice during the training cycle. This generally leaves you under-prepared for the marathon. A good marathon training plan combines easy running with faster running (tempo running and intervals). It also contains test runs / training races that give you a good sense of what you are capable of on race day. One of the best marathon training programs available today is 100 Day Marathon Plan by Marius Bakken. The approach is modern and fresh. In addition to several different marathon running programs sorted by finish time his program also contains videos, written information and the ability to ask questions. An older good marathon training program is Advanced Marathoning by Pfitzinger and Douglas. Their marathon plans are sorted based on the number of miles you want to do and is accompanied by an enormous amount of useful information.

Is training solely on the treadmill a bad method in preparation to run a half marathon?

Yes, it is. Running on a treadmill will certainly help, but treadmills don't have the incline variability of natural terrain, so your body won't be prepared to run the half-marathon. Training on a treamill is a great way to prepare for a mini marathon. It would also be a good idea to get some actual track time in if possible.