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Yes, you can move obstructions from anywhere as long as the ball does not move.

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Q: Can you move a loose impediment in a hazard?
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In golf What is a loose impediment?

A loose impediment is a natural object not fixed or growing that impedes play. A loos impediment may be removed without penalty except in a hazard. A leaf on the ground is a loose impediment. A leaf on a tree is not. An apple is a loose impediment. A beer can is an obstruction, which may be removed anywhere on the course. The full definition can be found at the USGA's web site.

Can you move loose items around a golf ball?

The answer is: it depends. If your ball in a hazard, then NO, you may generally not legally touch loose items in a hazard.If you are otherwise through the green, then the answer is YES, but you must be careful that the ball does not move - even a little bit - as a result.

What is the difference between hazard and problem?

its a problem when you loose your shoe. its a hazard to ride your bike in the street.

Do you get relief from a dead animal in a bunker?

No. Relief is granted from obstructions in bunkers but not loose impediments. A dead animal would be considered a loose impediment. Play away and hope it is not your neighbors cat.

What is the term used to describe a network cable lying loose in a high-traffic area?

trip hazard

What is the difference between hazard and danger?

an Hazard is any obstacle, event,practice that can cause a risk. a risk results from an hazard. for tha hazard, people are aware of it and precautions have been taken to prevent it from causing an accidentor incident. but for a danger, no precaution has been taken

When does a hazard becomes a disaster?

a natural hazard turns into a disaster when a lot of people get trapped in it and sadly loose their life to a hazard and a very few steps are taken to save such people.

Can you move a hazard post to play a shot if your ball lies outside the hazard?

No, because a hazard post is an integral part of the course

What is the significance of the noise hazard?

The noise hazard can make it difficult or impossible for you to hear critical communications, and can cause you to loose part or all of your hearing.

What is an absolute impediment?

An absolute impediment a legal impediment which prevents a person from marrying, but does not require punishment or annulment.

If you are driving down the street and the car in front of you decides to back up and hits your car who is at fault?

The driver who is backing up. That person has created a traffic hazard/impediment and is totally responsible.

How do you identifty a hazard?

A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm, for example a loose or frayed carpet, equipment that has not been checked before use etc.