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You can change Golf balls in a tournament. As long it is on different holes or the ball is unfit for play, (like if it hit the cart path and was scratched.) But if it was unfit for play you must tell your opponent.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, the ball you start a hole with is the ball you finish the hole with. Unless it is visibly cut or out of shape, in this case you may replace the ball (if agreed with official or playing partner) for the same brand and model of ball.

You can change your ball before you start a new hole, but never during play.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, on top of each other.

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Q: Can you change a golf club during a round?
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Can someone bring you a new golf club during a round?

sorry no. only after the round is finished can you replace a club

Can you adjust your golf clubs during a round of golf?

No. By doing so, you would be in violation of rule 4.2.

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Can you use a golf ball that you just found during your round of golf or does this additional ball found constitute a change in equipment and is therefore illegal?

You can use a ball that you found during your round, this is perfectly legal.

What if they break a golf club?

If you have the money you can buy a new club after a 9 or when you are done with a round to use the next round.

Can a weighted golf club be use during play?

It depends if it had been approved for use by either the R&A and USGA. If it is a club designed for practice only, you will not be able to use it during a competition round.

Can a club be replaced in your golf bag if broken in anger and you only have thirteen clubs in bag?

No. A club can only be replaced during your round if broken while playing a shot.

Are Miami golf packages available year-round?

Miami golf packages are available year-round for many of the courses. You will have to search the specific golf club you are interested in and find out what the pricing is for a year-round package.

Will you be disqualified from a golf round for throwing your club?

You shouldn't be, but depends what type of competition it is. Why would you throw a club anyway?

Is led tape illegal in golf tournaments?

Lead tape is perfectly legal, as long as it is on the club when you begin the round, and when you finish. If you took it off during the round or added it during the round you would be changing the playing characteristics of the club which is against the rules.

Can you share golf clubs in a golf scramble?

only if the 14 club rule is waved. this is normally down by the committee before the round starts.

What famous golf club was opened during the Great Depression?
