This might not be too helpful, but grasshoppers can jump about twenty times their own size.
Grasshoppers can walk, fly and Jump.
Grasshoppers have several adaptations which enable them to survive in their habitats. They have strong jaws for eating and chomping food, as well as strong back legs for them to jump high and escape predators
Grasshoppers can jump up to 20 times the length of their body. Grasshoppers can also fly. While flying they can reach speeds of 8 miles per hour.
Think about it. They live in a grassy environment. And the jump.. or hop. Grasshoppers! :)
yes grasshoppers can in dead amazingly jump backwards yep they can jump backwards
They jump, like grasshoppers.
help them jump higher
Large back legs act as catapults to allow grasshoppers to jump.
Grasshopppers jump because they can if they feel like it, we live in a free country and if he wanna jump he will jump
They are like small incets that can fly when they jump would they be able to jump