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Q: A track pole vault jumper is resisting what force?
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Which track and field events do athletes jump over obstacles?

Steeple chase

In athletics what section does pole vault come under?

Track and field

What position did Michael Jackson excel in track and field?

Pole vault

What is the game in track when you jump over the long pole?

The pole vault.

Where does santa keep his track an d field tropies?

in his pole vault !

What are the structural forces acting on rib vaults?

a rib vault has stones pushing a force on the keystone which is the center of the rib vault and then ,,, this force is shifted to the other side of the vault and flows downwards to the ground , providing stability to the structure

Is pole vault a track or fiend event?

Field event, all events that ur not actually on the track are field events!

What athletic sport does yelena isinbeva compete in?

Track and Field - Pole Vault

Are you allowed to use your hands in steeplechase?

That depends on your age. In youth and masters track you can vault or climb the barriers, but in open or college track you can not.

How is inertia related to gymnastics?

when your running to the vault you stop with a force when you do a trick on the vault. another example is when your doing a stunt. Gravity pushes you to the ground with a force so you don't keep flipping in the air.

What is summoned skulls password on 4kids Yugioh ultimate vault?


What is summon skulls password for 4kids on Yugioh ultimate vault?
