I completely agree with you. There are far far too many cheats at club level Golf with no real punishment to discourage them. Unfortunately, the rules do not allow for a player to be so dishonest, and only a DQ from that competition is issued under the rules. It completely depends on the club's bye laws, as to what punishment is issued. At my club it is a 18 month suspension for a first time offence, and clearly your name is tarnished forever, not many come back.
it depends on how they play and who do you play with.. if the player is really a great player he/she could winbut if the player you know is always cheating then he/she might be cheating..
ANSWER: Well I figure if you are one of the player, you will be kick out and it will leave marks in your profile. But if you are one of those people that loves to gamble when it comes to sport, either jail or some kind of punishment..
If it is a pretty bad rule that is broke (like putting down a teammate) then yes, but if its something not that bad (like talking back to a coach) give him a warning then if he does it again you should.
It is not known if Shane Geraghty's girlfriend is cheating on him. Shane Geraghty is most known as a rugby player.
A yellow card
No it is not always the case. Also, Yes it can be the case that Aquarius are player. They can be cheating or not it totally depends on them.
It usually is called a penalty and is showed by a yellow flag.
you should hang around when they are together but if he is cheating that makes him a player and a jerk and no girl diserves to be chreated like that.
A warning, indicated by a verbal admonishment, or a caution, signalled by showing a player or substitute a yellow card.
If your a famous football player who plays for the Atlanta Falcons, then the answer is: way too many years in jail for something that should only have warranted a fine.
A red card, or ejection
sometimes a card and sometimes they wll just speak to the player