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Because the men competed in the nude,, married women due to the jealousy of the ruling males as well as their concern that their wives would be sexually aroused by the sight of the naked men, were barred from the Ancient Olympic Games. However, young unmarried women were.invited and encouraged to attend the games in anticipation seeing the naked men would get them aroused and would prompt these young women to pursue marriage.

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10y ago
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12y ago

The original Olympics (like some other festival games) were a religious observance in which the participants made an offering to Zeus of a military virtue called agon. Women weren't warriors, so they didn't have agon.

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9y ago

they could not take part because the men Greeks did not believe that women were strong enough. they thought that if women participated that it would bring very bad luck to all the Greeks. if a women entered the Olympics that they would be cursed never to win a single game for 4 years or longer. if a women tried to take part in the ancient Olympic she would be put in the dungeon for 7 years. Greek were very superstitious!

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7y ago

They were a religious celebration for men for the god Zeus. Women had their own religious celebrations which men couldn't attend.

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14y ago

because it was all nude for the boys in the olympics and all married women might see other peoples parts

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12y ago

Yes if they gathered around Mcdonalds car park with shaun hart and be gay

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12y ago

only if they wernt married

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12y ago

Because the men competed in nude.

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Q: Why weren't women allowed to watch the ancient Olympic?
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Who wasn't allowed to watch the ancient Olympic games in Greece?


Who was allowed to watch the ancient olympic games?

married women and men.

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Who watches the Olympic games in ancient Greece?

The children and the men. Women are not allowed to watch.

Who would watch the Ancient Olympic Games?

the ancient Greeks came up with the idea of the Olympics. the partakers would run naked. only men were allowed to watch and take part.

Who watched th ancient greek olympic games?

There was running, discus, javelin, races with armour on, triple jump, double jump, wrestling, boxing, chariot racing and fighting.

Who watched the ancient Greek Olympic games?

Only men and unmarried women could watch the Olympic games because the men in the games were often naked, but older boys could watch.

Where women allowed to watch?

when were women first allowed to watch the Olympic games

Were women allowed to watch the ancient greek games?

No, they were not allowed to perform in theatre, only men. But a Greek man, Phrynichus, was the first man to use female characters but not actual females Hope this helps.

Who was the first woman to witness the olympic games?

While only men were allowed o compete, all could watch even the ancient olympics. Who was first woman can't be determined.

Who were allowed to watch the ancient Olympics?

Only men and unmarried women were allowed to watch the games. It was punishable by death for a married woman to watch the games.

Who watched the Olympic Games in ancient times?

In ancient times men and single women could watch the games.