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Because it showed which knight or knight's are the strongest out of all that competed in the tournament

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Q: Why was jousting such a popular sport in medieval times?
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Related questions

What was enertainment in medieval times?

Fighting and jousting

Was jousting popular in Elizabethan times?

That would have been extremely rare, after all a joust was pubic affair and honor was most important.

Were there sports other than archery and jousting during the Medieval Times?

There are many reports of games that resembled football (soccer) during medieval times and before.

What is jousting arena called?

Yes they had Jousting Arenas (: Today you can see jousting at Medieval Times, its a boat load of fun ;)what were the prizes for winning a jousting tournement?

What entertainment was available to people during medieval times?

people got enter tained by compertitions such as jousting

How do Medieval Times do seeding?

If this refers to the entertainment show Medieval times, it is a predetermined outcome based on the actor's showmen ship, or seating arrangement. It this refers to actual old medieval jousting events, then it was based on class, hierarchy, or the monarchs favor.

Why were jousts held?

Jousts were held as a form of entertainment during the Medieval times. Jousting was also performed as a proclamation during this time period.

A mock battle in medieval europe in which two individual knights fought each other?

A mock battle in midevil times was called jousting.

What sport did they play in Japanese medieval times?

Sumo and Martiak arts

How many locations does Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament have?

Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament has 10 locations across the United States and one location in Toronto, Canada. Each location offers a unique dinner and show experience featuring jousting, sword fighting, and other medieval entertainment.

What were some of the sports played during the Renaissance?

Well in the renissance times jousting was a huge sport also they would make Indian music and play all sorts of games. Many people enjoyed when they jousted because they got the chance to see the men play in their hard core sport

Is going to Medieval Times worth the money?

If you enjoy the idea of watching well done rendition of medieval knights jousting and fighting, then yes. Otherwise, the food is mediocre and the portions are small and you will be left wanting. The show is forth it, though.