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Leon Trotsky posed a threat to Joseph Stalin's hold on the power in Russia after Lenin's death. Many Bolshevik leaders supported Trotsky's philosophy of "permanent revolution" while others supported Stalin's policy of "socialism in one country." Stalin allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev against Trotsky and eventually had enough people loyal to him to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party. Trotsky continued to criticize Stalin and tried to line up support against Stalin. Stalin knew the only way to completely eliminate Trotsky as a rival would be to get him out of the country entirely, so Trotsky was exiled to Turkey.
Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition to Stalin.

The excuse Stalin gave for the exile of Trotsky was that he did not go to Lenins funeral-but Stalin idid not invite him to the funeral.

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16y ago

Vladimir Lenin was exiled because he had associated himself with radical revolutionaries. The Tsar had assassination attempts made by these people [in fact, Lenin's brother was executed after trying to kill the Tsar]. Lenin was interested in Marxist ideas, which was "illegal" by Russian terms. Therefore, he was exiled to Siberia, where he also wed his wife.

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9y ago

Trotsky was supposed to take over the Soviet Union. He became Stalin's biggest opponet and rival, and so Stalin formed alliances with other Soviet politicians to have Trotsky kicked out of the Soviet party to secure his sole Dictatorship in the USSR.

Few could disagree with the primary answer to the question regarding the power struggle within the USSR after Lenin's death in 1924. Fortunately for Stalin he had been elected earlier on as the Party Secretary General. At the time. Lenin was still alive and the post was not a significant one.

Later, Stalin would use this position to stack the Party with his friends.

Trotsky, in his own writings said his last chance to prevent the Stalinization of the Party was when he was still in charge of the Red Army. Nevertheless, Stalin put off the criticisms of himself from Trotsky's opinions that Stalin was not a true Marxist Leninist. In fact this internal struggle within the Party after Lenin, Stalin had to re-read Marx.

As late as 1926, Stalin was able to "prove" the internal struggle itself was part of the expected turn of events. He was able to out maneuver the intellectual Marxist, Trotsky, by quoting Marx & Engels. According to the founders of Communism, the Party, like any other party grew & developed by means of internal struggle. Clearly the Party, even by this date, was an "out of control" organization. Outside left leaning intellectuals such as Sir John Maynard, stated that Stalin had perpetrated the mystical elements of Russian Marxism, by having inner Party circles discuss the question of whether or not the Party was infallible. At other times, when it was so clear that he and Trotsky, were split on how things should be run, Stalin stated that because of the class purity of the Party, a split, even a simple and natural difference of opinion, was not justified.

Trotsky would raise opinions on:

*revolutionary strategy abroad;

*the over bureaucracy of the Party; and

* democracy within the Party.

As Party Secretary, Stalin created the bureaucracy, and could not tolerate having any type of "democracy" within the Party.

This basically meant that Trotsky had to "go". With the Central Committee stacked with Stalin's allies, Trotsky was banished to the outer reaches of Russia. Later, after several other places, including New York City, to his end in Mexico City.

Leon Trotsky complained that although his exile was for attempting to overturn the Soviet Union, he was never brought to trial on any charges, real or imagined ones by Stalin.

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8y ago

Josef Stalin saw Leon Trotsky as a political rival in the USSR. As far as Stalin was concerned, Trotsky was too wedded to the ideas of Marx. Trotsky saw Stalin as a ruthless dictator and made his opinion all to well known. To protect his position in the Communist party, Stalin had Trotsky exiled.

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14y ago

Leon Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union on January 31, 1928.

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