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There never was and probably never will be as they are the only NFL team without a logo.

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13y ago

The helmets have been the same sense 1946, and in 1946 no teams had logos on helmets.

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Q: Why is there no logo on the clevland browns helmet?
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Which NFL team was the last to put logo on helmet?

The Clevland Browns still do not have a logo on thir helmet

Which NFL team helmet does not have a symbol or a decal?

The Pittsburgh Steelers has only 1 logo on a side and not on the other side

What kind of helmet is the browns logo?

They just wear an orange helmet.

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The Steelers logo is based on the Steelmark logo belonging to the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).

What NFL team does not have a logo on both sides of their helmets?

The Cleveland Browns are the only team with no logo on their helmets. The Pittsburgh Steelers are the only team with a logo on only one side of the helmet.

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Which NFL team has no logo?

The Cleveland Browns have no logo on their helmets. In print and on the Internet, they use the orange helmet with no logo, as their primary logo. They also have a secondary logo consisting of a brown 'B' on an orange and brown stripe, enclosed in a brown outline in the shape of a football.

Is there a brown Cleveland Browns helmet?

The Cleveland Browns do not have a brown helmet. They have an orange helmet with a brown and white stripe on the top.

What is the Cleveland Browns logo?

The Browns do not really have a logo. Their helmets are orange and do not contain a logo. There is a logo for the fan inspired 'Dawg Pound' and a mascot named 'Brownie Elf'. Click on the 'Browns Mascot/Dawg Pound' link on this page to see pictures of them.

Who is ranked number 3 in AFC north?

The Clevland Browns (as of 12-18-08)