so you dont trip or fall while trying to handle the ball or run .
balance is needed so the player wouldn't fall over easily so you have to have balance :)
Field equipment needed for an indoor soccer match includes 2 soccer goals and a soccer ball. Player equipment includes indoor soccer cleats, clothing (soccer socks, shorts, jersey), and shin guards. You should never play soccer without shin guards.
In the form of the game we know today, there has always been goalkeepers, however they didn't wear gloves, so needed strong hands!
everything like soccer no a football helmet, a practice jersey and a game jersey, football cleets, mouth guard, and sometimes replacements for the cleets
Soccer is called soccer in Canada as well.
Soccer is a sport for one thing, and all sports are healthy. Soccer also builds balance, speed, and stamina.
You need a soccer ball, kleets, and shingaurds,
Soccer involves a lot of running and running at speed with a moving ball. Naturally to control the ball in motion requires some balance. Also kicking and shooting the ball and giving it direction requires balance.
The balance
When you play soccer, you improve your balance, leg muscles, ball handling skills, speed, and agility.
pi can be useful in soccer because it can help determine the circumference of the soccer ball itself if you needed to know.
Because you can slip on the grass with flat shoes but with soccer boots, the kleats dig into the ground to give you balance.
To acheive Goal
you would need soccer balls, and uniforms. also a field!
A great deal of money and support was needed.
Oh yes they are needed for protection.