"look good, play good" is one of two reasons! the other one is that on some positions you don´t often need them!
Yes, I play football at the Pro level and there are many skilled position players as well as special teams players that only wear shoulder pads and helmets.. In practice we sometimes only wear shoulder pads and helmets we call it pro-pads we also wear this during training camp a lot and when we are not going to hit full speed.
Majority of NFL players wear oakley visors.
Approximately 40% of the NFL players don't wear them according to this article. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2314899
Currently after roster cuts, 7, or 6 if you dont count Donte Stallworth
What kind of question is that! It's not like they pee there pants!
Yes, I play football at the Pro level and there are many skilled position players as well as special teams players that only wear shoulder pads and helmets.. In practice we sometimes only wear shoulder pads and helmets we call it pro-pads we also wear this during training camp a lot and when we are not going to hit full speed.
They are actually known as 'Sideline Jackets' and are a form of a parka. They are specially designed to accomodate the pads of the players. For more information, please refer to the related link.
Majority of NFL players wear oakley visors.
High school and college players are required to wear; helmet, mouth piece, shoulder pads, hip pads, a butt pad, thigh pads, knee pads, and clears. A lot of the time you'll see nfl players not using their knee pads and or thigh pads bc they aren't required
You can. NFL players can wear any glove they want but they have to have an NfL shield on it.
Approximately 40% of the NFL players don't wear them according to this article. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2314899
They certainly do.
Currently after roster cuts, 7, or 6 if you dont count Donte Stallworth
They dont actually.