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A) For friendly, international competition between countries who otherwise would be in conflict.

B) To give recognition to the greatest athletes of the world and their dedication.

C) To ultimately have a peaceful and international meeting where the violence of the world in conflict and terror can be forgotten and a resting atmosphere can set over the Olympics.


If you mean this question as in why host the Olympics, then here is your answer. Through hosting the Olympics countries spend lots of money improving their transport and security, loads of jobs are created, tourism receives a boost and also a 'feel-good' factor usually occurs during the Olympics.

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12y ago

People compete in the Olympics to compare how good they are in a certain event to other countries/states and to win metals and such. Also in the end they compete to just have fun. Finally, you are representing your country so people try their best. Making it to the Olympics is very amazing and special because you have to put a lot of effort into it so if you even get the chance to go, most people would.

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