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Marx suggested the Revolution would be in the most modern of countries: Britain France or Germany. He got it wrong. Russia was the most underdeveloped country in Europe, ravaged by impending defeat in WW1. I think it is difficult to judge just how populist the ovetrthrow of the Imperialists was in those times. The idea of the workers throwing off their chains is hugely illusory. Let me put it like this: It's a Lie ! It never has happened & I suspect it never will, and much as I love the idea of earning money, really I do not have much choice: Either I turn up in the morning or I dont get paid. Memo to self: Must buy lottery ticket ! The Russian Revolution therefore was brought about by the First World War. Russia suffered grieviously, and of course that means the poorest suffered most of all, and one supposes saw that they had least to lose & most to gain. Democracy features only very, very recently in Russias' history. And as for the Soviet Union being an example of Communism, well it simply is not: It is Totalitarianism of the most vitriolic kind. The Bolsheviks merely perpetrated the enslavement of the masses. Come the Glorious Day, Brother......

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Q: Why didn't other countries revolt like the Bolsheviks?
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