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Olympic games were started sometime in 779 BC in Olympia, Greece. These were athletic competitions between Greek city states. The ancient Olympic games continued in some form till 394 AD, after which Theodosius I the Roman emperor suppressed them as a measure to curb pagan ritual and practices to promote Christianity.

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10y ago
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10y ago

A widely accepted view is that ancient Olympics started to take place in 776 BC at the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia, Greece. However, as the Romans gained ground in Greece the Olympics gradually started to lose importance. In 393 AD emperor Theodosius I ordered that all practices of Pagans be ceased and so Olympic games also came to an end.

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12y ago

The Olympics were discontinued for 1000 years by the romans because the Greeks refused to dedicate the games to Roman gods.

The olympics were also suspended during the world wars for obvious reasons.

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12y ago

i think it was in 1940 because World War 1 and in 1956 because World War 2.

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10y ago

The ancient Olympics have not ceased to exist. The Olympics are still held every 4 years, and have been evolving over time to include new sports.

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15y ago

The Olympic Games were stopped because of the Roman Emperor Theodosius. He abolished them along with all 'pagen cults'.

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12y ago

i have no clue lol

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