Lenin created the Cheka in order to establish one party control and perpetuate the Totalitarian state that he wished to used to carry out his Communist ideologies. The Cheka was an instrument of control, using fear and ambiguity to keep the masses in check and obedient
The Cheka became the GPU, then the OGPU and then the NKVD under Stalin.
The Vecheka was Lenin's secret police; however it was more commonly known as the Cheka. The name was an acronym for the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage. It was later changed to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Corruption.
Lenin's communist government established a body politic made up of more than a thousand representatives called what?
Cheka was a name for the Soviets Secret Police.
The Cheka (ЧК - чрезвычайная комиссия) was the first of a succession of Soviet state security organizations. It was created by a decree issued on December 20, 1917, by Vladimir Lenin and subsequently led by Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. After 1922, the Cheka underwent a series of reorganizations.It was soon an important military force, crucial for survival of the Soviet regime. In 1921 the Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic (a part of Cheka) numbered 200,000. These troops policed labor camps, ran the Gulag system, conducted requisitions of food, put down peasant rebellions, riots by workers, and mutinies in the Red Army, which was plagued by desertions.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Answers.com) indicated below.
The Cheka became the GPU, then the OGPU and then the NKVD under Stalin.
The Cheka, the secret police of the Bolsheviks, began their reign of terror at the onset of the Civil War that was caused by the successful Bolshevik Revolution. This also coincided with the attempted assassination of Lenin.
The Cheka were established after the Revolution and were formed after the Bolsheviks declared the Red Terror in response to the White Terror. The Cheka were a sort of political police who would investigate the activities of suspected Tsarist supporters and fighters and arrest them and possibly execute them if they were found to indeed be Tsarist fighters or supporters. It is important to bear in mind that the supporters did not just think the Tsarists were good but they helped them in their war efforts against the Bolsheviks.
he created the police force to kill those who opposed him.
The Vecheka was Lenin's secret police; however it was more commonly known as the Cheka. The name was an acronym for the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage. It was later changed to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Corruption.
Lenin's communist government established a body politic made up of more than a thousand representatives called what?
Cheka was created in 1917.
Although the attempted assassination of Lenin and the murder of the Cheka's chief in Petrograd involved a small plot, the secret police took advantage of the problem that the assassin created by charging and executing 500 persons, mostly associated with the Socialist Revolutionaries.
The Red Secret Police known as The Cheka were started by Lenin after the October 1917 revolution. It was an instrument of control, using fear and ambiguity to keep the masses in check and obedient.
Cheka was a name for the Soviets Secret Police.
The cheka was a notoriously vicious organization, which used torture.
Cheka is a foundation that helps children in need. The services offered by Cheka are projects to help children, financial campaigns and shelter for disadvantaged children.