The Cheka became the GPU, then the OGPU and then the NKVD under Stalin.
describe Stalin response to this disobedience
Stalin wanted to keep the countries he defeated. He wanted them to become part of communist USSR. Truman and Churchill wanted him to give them up and let them have peace and freedom. Stalin was not having it their way. He kept them and they were under communist rule for nearly fifty years.
It is possible that Stalin could have continued it and industrialized under it, but it was too hard already under his current Communist regime. The NEP and its underlying capitalist values just could not let Stalin's power remain as effective.
No. He was a dictator that killed millions of people under his regime.
Arresting and executing citizens who were suspected of disloyalty to Stalin
The earliest Soviet secret police was the Cheka. This was a shortened form of the word "Vecheka" which was an acronym for the Russian word for the "All-Russian Extraordinary Committee Committee to Combat Counter-Revolution and Sabotage."
They were in the pryamid in russia that did not tolorate teh stailin religious rule
Before the Russian Revolution the state security was called the Okhranka. Under Lenin that task was called the Cheka. It underwent several name changes OGPU, NKGB, MGB and then the MVD. It is currently called the FSB, with the foreign branch as the SVR.
KGB was the acronym for Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security, The State security agency in the former Soviet Union.
The Jews slathered them
Stalin instituted the Five-Year Plans in order to quickly generate capital for, and ensure the Soviet Unionâ??s economic strength in case of, another World War. One of Stalinâ??s signature moves was to reinstate state control of the farming system which had been decentralized under Leninâ??s New Economic Policy. Stalin also wished to return the Soviet economy to the policy of Bolshevism, or a nationalized, communist economy which had been eroded under Lenin's NEP.
describe Stalin response to this disobedience
suspected of opposing stalin
Generally speaking both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin were dictatorships that permitted no free speech or other political parties to exist. In Germany only the Nazi Party was legal and under Stalin only the Communist Party under the rule of Stalin was allowed.
Generally speaking both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin were dictatorships that permitted no free speech or other political parties to exist. In Germany only the Nazi Party was legal and under Stalin only the Communist Party under the rule of Stalin was allowed.
Stalin wanted to keep the countries he defeated. He wanted them to become part of communist USSR. Truman and Churchill wanted him to give them up and let them have peace and freedom. Stalin was not having it their way. He kept them and they were under communist rule for nearly fifty years.
Russia under the rule of Joseph Stalin was the most powerful in its history.