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"I don't think there is a main reason. The 'International' badge of the Netherlands is primarily made of Orange. It may be associated with the history of the badge being Orange, or that orange is made up on their national flag." It is more likely to be linked to the history of the Dutch Royal House, which has been known as the House of Orange since the 15th Century.

[Source: Official website of the Dutch Royal House -]

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Q: Why are the Netherland's Football outfit orange?
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The Netherlands national football team was nicknamed Clockwork Orange in the 1974 FIFA World Cup, for its playing organization, which became known as Total Football, combined with the orange color of its uniform.

Why do Netherlands people celebrate orange day?

Orange is the national colour of the Netherlands. This comes from the history of the Dutch people and the person that lead them into their independance. William I of Orange (also known as "William the Silent" and "Father of the Fatherland") organized the Dutch revolt against Spanish rule, which after the Eighty Years' War led to an independent Dutch state. William of Orange was befriended by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and his son Philip.The flag of Prince of Orange is orange/white/blue.

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Bacuse of their uniform that even through some variations has tradionally been orange. Also because of their playing style called Total Football. They play like a well oiled and precise machine, like a clockwork.

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Because orange is the national colour. It is their national colour because of their royal family - the House of Oranje-Nassau -- dates back to Willem van Oranje (William of Orange). Today the colour orange symbolizes a broader pride in the country and in being Dutch.

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Who found Netherlands?

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What is 'Netherlands National Football Team' in Dutch?

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What color is sailor Venus's?

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