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Q: Hottest temperature ever at Orange Bowl College Football game?
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What is the order of color of a fire from hottest to coldest?

The order of colors in a fire from hottest to coldest is blue, white, yellow, orange, and red. Blue flames are typically the hottest, followed by white, with yellow, orange, and red being cooler in temperature.

Which college football team has orange jersey?

Several, but most notably, Texas, Clemson, and Tennessee.

Which star is hotter red or orange?

Blue stars are the hottest, followed by white stars, then yellow stars like the sun, and lastly red and orange stars which are cooler in temperature.

What are the colors of the stars coldest to hottest?

White, blue, red, orange, from hottest to coldest

What is a team that is college and has T for its logo and it is blue and orange images?

This team that you is the Tenessee State university this is a team how plays in the biigest league in college football.

What stars are hot and which are cold?

All stars are hot. Their temperature can be determined by their color. The "coolest" stars are red in color. As temperature increases stars will go through orange, yellow, white, and finally blue for the hottest stars.

Which season of the real housewives has the hottest cast?

Orange County

What color of the massive star?

Massive stars can appear in a range of colors depending on their surface temperature. They can range from blue (hottest) to white, yellow, orange, and red (coolest). The color of a massive star can provide clues about its temperature and stage of life.

When was Orange Coast College created?

Orange Coast College was created in 1947.

What are the 4 main colours of the stars?

Blue are the hottest, then yellow, then orange, then red.

What color are the hottest stars medium temperature stars like the sun coolest stars?

The sun is a G class star and (from space) its pale yellow.

What is the motto of Orange Coast College?

The motto of Orange Coast College is 'We'll help you get there.'.