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1932-1933: Glenn Wright
1934: Johnny McCarthy
1935-1936: George Earnshaw
1937: Johnny Hudson
1938: Packy Rogers
1940: Ducky Medwick
1943: Ducky Medwick
1947-1948: Pete Reiser
1949: Mike McCormick
1950: Steve Lembo

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Q: Who wore the number 7 for the New York Giants baseball team?
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Are the New York Giants a football team or a baseball team?

Currently the New York Giants are a football team. There was also a New York Giants baseball team that moved to San Francisco in 1958.

Who wore number 4 for the New York Giants?

Mel Ott wore number 4 for the New York Giants baseball team. His number was retired in 1948.

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Your 1933 New York giants full team autographed baseball is worth $39.99.

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Yes, they were. The New York Giants baseball team, now known as the San Francisco Giants, were originally known as the New York Gothams.

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The San Francisco Giants (formerly the New York Giants before 1958).

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Pitcher Manny Aybar wore No. 64 during the 2002 season.

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The San Francisco Giants aren't an original team. They got the name "Giants" from the New York Giants, in which they were originally based in.

NFL team with same name as Major League Baseball team?

New York Giants- NFL San Francisco Giants- MLB

Are the giamts a baseball or football team?

both, there are the new york football giants, and the san francisco basball giants

What your favorite baseball team?

The New York Yankees. The San Francisco Giants.