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That would be the Chicago Bears with 84. The Bears were known as the Decatur Staleys in 1920, the Chicago Staleys in 1921, and the Chicago Bears from 1922 on.

The American Professional Football Association changed their name to National Football League in 1922 which was the League's third year of existence.

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Q: Who won the most games in the first ten years of the American professional football association?
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The NFL was founded in August 1920. It was first called the American Professional Football Association, and the owners changed the name to the National Football League for the 1922 season.

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The National Football League was founded in 1920 under the name American Professional Football Association. The name was changed to National Football League in 1922.

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What is older football or soccer?

"if you are talking about AFL football then Afl is older then soccer The first game if soccer was played in 1872, November 30th The first game of football was played in 1858, August 7th" WRONG. The dates are right, officially, but the actual game of Association Football (Soccer) is far older, the OFFICIAL rules were made during this period; and although the first official game of American Football was played "first", American Football is actually a VARIATION of Association Football AND Rugby Football. So how can it be OLDER if it's based on Association Football? Foolish child.

Who was the first African American in professional football in the modern era?

Terrell Owens