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Q: Who was the fifth man on the ice for Canada when Mario Lemieux scored the winning goal in game 3 in the 1987 Canada Cup you know that Lemieux Gretzky Hawerchuk and Murphy were on the ice?
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When was Tristan Lemieux born?

Tristan Lemieux was born on February 12, 1979, in Chicoutimi, Qubec, Canada.

How many Hockey players are in Canada's Walk of Fame?

8 Hockey players and one coach: Jean Béliveau Johnny Bower Bobby Orr Scotty Bowman - coach not a player Wayne Gretzky Gordie Howe Mario Lemieux Maurice Richard

What city did Mario Lemieux grow up in as a kid?

Montreal, Canada

When was Glen Gretzky born?

Glen Gretzky was born on August 15, 1969, in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.

Were did Wayne gretzky live as a child?

As a child, Wayne Gretzky lived in Brantford Ontario Canada, where he was born.

Where did Wayne Gretzky play youth hockey?

In Canada

Does Wayne Gretzky represent Canada well?

of course!

What is Wayne Gretzky's family life like?

canada doy

What did Wayne Gretzky do for Canada?

he shot a lot of goals and won alot of Stanley cups for Canada

What is Claude Lemieux famous for?

Claude Lemieux is Canadian who is famous as a former ice hockey player. He won the Stanley Cup with three different teams and represented Canada internationally.

Where did Wayne Gretzky live during his childhood?

Brantford Ontario Canada

What was Mario Lemieux famous for?

Mario Lemieux is a former professional hockey player from Canada, widely known as one of the best players of all time. He is the current chairman owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins.