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Vladimir Lenin was sent back to Russia by the German government in April 1917 in the hopes that he would disrupt the Russian war effort or even cause a revolution to get Russia out of the war.

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Q: Who was the Russian revolutionary leader who was sent to Russia in a sealed train?
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What event caused Lenin to return to Russia from exile?

The February 1917 Russian Revolution brought Lenin back to Russia. He had been living in Switzerland at the time and the revolution took him by surprise. The German High Command arranged for Lenin to be transported from Switzerland to Russia in a diplomatically sealed train. The Germans wanted Lenin to create more revolutionary disruption in the hope that a new Russian government would get Russia out of World War I.

What was the 'sealed train' Lenin used to return to Russia from Germany in 1917?

It was a diplomatically-sealed train originating in Switzerland and bound for Russia, traversing Germany and Sweden. The Germans allowed the transit, not taking any chances that Lenin would disembark in Germany to spread his Communist propaganda, but fully welcoming the idea of him inciting revolt in Russia, which was at war with Germany. For this, Lenin's foes in Russia had denounced him as a "German spy". While he most likely was not anybody's spy, the revolution he eventually led certainly played into Germans' hands.

Major events in the ending of World War 1?

The Russian Revolution led to a desire in Russia to withdraw from the Tsar's war. They negotiated the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It was a disastrous treaty for Russia but Lenin bet that Germany would soon be defeated so the treaty would be null and void and Russia would lose nothing. America's entry following the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram sealed Germany's fate. German troops transferred from the Eastern Front couldn't compare to US troops flooding in, despite weak tactics. Italy not joining the war in 1914 on Germany's side followed by them switching to join the UK and France in 1915 was a semi-important reason. The battles in particular showed that France and Britain were slowly pushing forward, with far superior technology such as the tanks.

How were the battle wounds treated during the Revolutionary war?

If a person was shot in the arm, his wound was cleaned by water, sealed, and bandaged. However, if the musket round hit the bone, the arm was sawed off. Did you know that you are more likely to save a limb from a bullet wound than from a musket wound?

How and why did Lenin return to Russia in April 1917?

Lenin was isolated in neutral Switzerland during the beginning of World War I. After receiving news of the February 1917 Revolution in Russia, he wanted to return there immediately to give instructions to the Bolsheviks about how to continue with the revolution and to defeat the Provisional Government. A Swiss Communist convinced the German government to send Lenin safely to Russia on a sealed train. The German government hoped that Lenin would provoke political unrest in his homeland, forcing Russia to surrender to the Germans, which would allow Germany to pull troops away from the Eastern Front to focus on the war in the Western Front.

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What event caused Lenin to return to Russia from exile?

The February 1917 Russian Revolution brought Lenin back to Russia. He had been living in Switzerland at the time and the revolution took him by surprise. The German High Command arranged for Lenin to be transported from Switzerland to Russia in a diplomatically sealed train. The Germans wanted Lenin to create more revolutionary disruption in the hope that a new Russian government would get Russia out of World War I.

Who became the leader of the Bolsheviks after he was shipped from Germany in a sealed train?

Vladimir Lenin was already the leader of the Bolshevik Party when Germany shipped him to Russia in the famous diplomatically sealed train. Thus, Lenin did not "become the leader of the Bolsheviks "after" Germany sent him to Russia. Lenin had formed the Bolsheviks in 1903 and was their leader even while he was living in self-imposed exile in Switzerland. Germany sent him back to Russia in April 1917.

What was the 'sealed train' Lenin used to return to Russia from Germany in 1917?

It was a diplomatically-sealed train originating in Switzerland and bound for Russia, traversing Germany and Sweden. The Germans allowed the transit, not taking any chances that Lenin would disembark in Germany to spread his Communist propaganda, but fully welcoming the idea of him inciting revolt in Russia, which was at war with Germany. For this, Lenin's foes in Russia had denounced him as a "German spy". While he most likely was not anybody's spy, the revolution he eventually led certainly played into Germans' hands.

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The person whose fate was sealed by a bit of cursive handwriting was John Hancock, a prominent figure in the American Revolutionary War and the first person to sign the United States Declaration of Independence. His large, bold signature on the document has since become synonymous with signing one's name.

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How do you spell sealed?

Sealed is correct

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No, it is a sealed unit.No, it is a sealed unit.

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Where does it say in the Bible that you are sealed with the Holy Spirit?

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." (Ephesians 4:30) "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise," (Ephesians 1:13)

What is a sentence for sealed?

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