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Q: Who started the special Olympics?
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Why did they start a special Olympics for people in need?

they started the special olympics so that they can help people an make sure every body was treated with the same respect

What do you win in the Special Olympics?

The Special Olympics was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver for athletes with disabilities to compete one with one another. As with the Olympics and the Paralympics, competitors win gold, silver, and bronze medals.

What in the world did Eunice Kennedy Shriver do?

She started the Special Olympics. Not to mention Camp Shriver.

When was Special Olympics created?

Special Olympics was created in 1968.

What were the names of the Greeks who started the Olympics?

The Olympics were started by Apollo,Apollo was the god of music wich is kind of weird why he started the Olympics

Is badminton in the special Olympics?

No, they don't offer badminton in special olympics

What year did the Olympics start?

Around 776 BCThe Ancient Olympics started in 776 BC. Then they stopped and they started the modern summer Olympics in 1896. The winter Olympics started in 1924. Then the youth Olympics (Summer and winter) started in 2010.

When did oylipics started?

Summer olympics started in 1896, winter olympics in 1964

Which country started Olympics and in which year?

Greece started the Olympics in 776 BC

When was the special Olympics found?

The Special Olympics was founded in 1962 and is an internationa organization.

When did track start?

When the Greeks started it along with the Olympics.

Did the Olympics start in the bronze age?

No. The bronze age started about 3000 BC. The Olympics started in 776 BC. The bronze age was over before the Olympics started.