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The first proper football (soccer) team was Sheffield F.C, Yorkshire, England.

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14y ago
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13y ago

the ideology of football was that England invented football in the medival times but history has shown that the chinese had played with a ball made out of cotton and used to kick to one another, but the true founder of football has yet been fully discovered

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9y ago

The first soccer player would be whoever took kick off in the first ever match. The first ever international match was between England and Scotland in 1860. The first club match is not as far as I know record.

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13y ago

Who played the first football match has been lost in the mists of time, football goes back a very long way.

Football's roots can be found in Medieval football, which was played annually on Shrovetide. It is suggested that this game was derived from those played in Brittany and Normandy, and could have been brought to England in the Norman Conquest. These games were violent and largely ruleless. As a result, they were often banned.

There is evidence for refereed, team football games being played in English schools since at least 1581.


Football in general can be traced by over 900 years to Medieval Shrovetide football. However, the 'Laws of the game' for Assosiation football (Soccer) were coded by the Football Association in 1863. The first ever soccer match was played on Barnes common at Mortlake, London on 19th December 1863 between Barnes football club and Richmond football club. The game ended 0-0

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15y ago

Soccer originated in England when a couple of soldiers where bored and they started to kick around a dead Danish soldiers head. It quickly evolved and expanded during the Industrial revolution in England because people in the middle class had more time to join a hobby. Then soccer leagues were created and so on....

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13y ago

China had the first game of a variation of soccer that is still quite similar, while the English played the first game of mob soccer between towns.


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13y ago

Soccer was actually invented by a group of people. There are still arguments in which some believe it was invented by the Europeans while other believe it was by the Ancient Chinese.

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16y ago

Albert Gudmundsson made soccer the first sport in Iceland.

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In africa.They used peoples skulls.

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its hard to know but i think its was played a mexico or england

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Type your answer here... in 1865 at europe

Where was the first international soccer game played?

The first international was Scotland vs. England in Scotland.