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Q: When was the first soccer game played in college?
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What state in England was the first game of soccer played?

the first first intercollegiate soccer game was held in new yersey.

Where was the first soccer game played in?


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When the game of basketball was first invented what was the game played with?

it was a soccer ball

When was the first night soccer game ever played?

In 1865

What years have US played for soccer?

The United States played its first international soccer game in 1884 and they have had an international team from then on.

What was the name of the college when Duke played their first basketball game?

What was the name of the college when Duke played their first basketball game? Trinity University

Where was the first soccer game played at?

its hard to know but i think its was played a mexico or england

What was the date of the first soccer game played at?

Type your answer here... in 1865 at europe

Where was the first international soccer game played?

The first international was Scotland vs. England in Scotland.

When's the first NFL game?

1869 Rutgers and Princeton played a college soccer football game, the first ever, November 6. The game used modified London Football Association rules. During the next seven years, Rugby gained favor with the major eastern schools over soccer, and modern football began to develop from rugby. -----Click on the 'First NFL Game' link on this page to read about the first game played in the NFL in 1920 between Dayton and Columbus.

What collage was the first game of volleyball played at?

Springfield College July 1896 was the first volleyball game ever played