The fattest player to play football was William 'The Refrigerator' Perry who, at the height of his career, was reported to have weighed over 380 pounds. He was 6' 2'' tall.
Bronko Nagurski
He plays a football player in The Faculty but its just a short part.
yes he did
Mel Kiper didn't ever play college football or professional football. He went to community college of baltimore county.
i think is Casey Hampton and Jammaal Jackson because they are 111111111110000000 pounds and their butts are fat and stinkey
He is the best player of Argentina.
Bronko Nagurski
Deion Sanders
Jesse margetak
does enone play football
Yes, he also played the role as a football player in the movie "The Longest Yard".
Yes he is actally the best player in 2011. he play for the New england Patroits
No he did not ever play professional football
Drew Brees, the best QB to ever play football!
No, Rush Limbaugh was never a professional football player.
On a football pitch of course.