Troy Bell with 2403 points.
Mike Evans '78 with 2115 points.
In the 2010 season, the Steelers leading scorer was Rashard Mendenhall with 78 points.
Wayman Tisdale
The all time leading scorer in NBA history is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with 38,387 points.
Kobe Bryant, and he'll be the alltime leading scorer in history when he's done.
Chris Smith is the alltime leading scorer
Jerel McNeal
The all time leading scorer in NBA history is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with 38,387 points.
Michael Smith ended his career with 2319 pts.
Troy Bell with 2403 points.
Currently it's Phil Ford. As of 12/17/08, Tyler Hansbrough trails Phil Ford by 9 points.
Byron Houston with 2379 points.
Kareem Abdul Jabber, he scored 38,387 points
Jimmy "Monk" Montgomery
Jeff Chandler, with 368 points (the second highest in SEC history).
Steve Christie with 1,011 points (1992-2000).