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Q: Who is next in line to the thrown?
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What th homophone for thrown?

The king sits on his throne. Prince William is next in line for the English throne.

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No! A pass is only legal if it is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. A pass is illegal if it is thrown from in front of the line of scrimmage.

If you catch thrown wedding flowers, are you really destined to get married soon?

That is the myth associated with throwing the flowers. It is said that the person that catches the flowers is supposed to be the next one in line to get married.

What does the term frozen ropes mean?

It means when the baseball is thrown on a line, like when it is thrown strait without a loop or rainbow.

If a football is thrown beyond the line of scrimmage what is i t?

...still a football. If it's not caught, its an incomplete pass. If its thrown and hits the ground behind the line of scrimmage, its a grounded ball, which is a penalty.

Who does Justin Timberlake play in Shrek?

He is the voice of Aurthur in Shrek 3, who is the boy who is next in line to be King if Shrek doesn't want the thrown, and its the main point of the movie, Shrek trying to find him.

Who takes over the thrown after Queen Elizabeth I?

Prince Charles is next in line to succeed to the THRONE after Queen Elizabeth II King James I succeeded Elizabeth I (depending on what question you were trying to ask)

When queen elizabeth 1 died who was next inline for the thrown?

In tradition, if the English monarch didn't have any children or family members, the king/queen of Scotland was to become the next ruler. So James, the son of Mary the Queen of the Scots, was next in line for the English throne and was appointed Elizabeth's heir.

When was The Next Line created?

The Next Line was created in 1991.

Who will own the swans when the queen abdicates?

Well the King Charles is next in line but when he either Resigns or Departs us he will then hand the thrown over to prince William (the duke of cambridge) and the swans shall follow :)

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The duration of The Next Line is 1800.0 seconds.

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They use them the next year.