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Q: What is soccer called in Mexico?
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What is the most common sport played in Mexico?

most likely soccer Soccer or called football...

Is soccer mostly played in Mexico?


When did soccer first start in Mexico?

in 2008 soccer first started in mexico.

Is football a sport in Mexico?

Mexico has a national soccer team and a national cricket team. They are called the Mexico national football team and the Mexican cricket team.

What are some popular sports in Mexico?

one popular sport in Mexico is soccer.

What did the Mayans play for fun?

somthing like soccer by trace satterfield of mexico its called ollama

What professional soccer club is located nearest Cancun Mexico?

yes there is one. it is called Atlante and has just moved from Mexico city to there, and is the new 1st division soccer in Mexico champion, even though the other team was better and were thte best in the world

Mexico's favorite sports?

SOCCER!mexicos favorite sport has to be soccer

Who is better on soccer Mexico vs Peru?


How soccer stared?

Soccer was actually invented by the Aztecs in Mexico.

What are three activities played in Mexico?

Soccer, street soccer and

When and where was the soccer being?

IN Mexico