The person who invented the gold ball in the 1400s was pure genius. He was able to
they controlled the salt and gold trade
i know 2 he invented the 42 line bible and he was born around the 1400s
It was invented around 1954 by Al Wheatly
The Native Americans lived in the great plains in the 1400s.
The wiffle ball was invented by David Mullany, when he tried to make a ball for his son that curved. When his son swung and missed the ball he said that he "whiffed." For more information, click on the link below.
toothbrush was invented in the year 1939
Most historians believe handguns were first invented in the mid 1400s.
Candy was first invented in the 1400s
Nowhere. It originated in Europe in the mid-1400s.
They played the recently invented soccer and rode bicycles (also recently invented).
Yes mainly exporting gold.
The original tool, the "crow" was invented in the 1400s, while the term "crowbar" didn't come into use until the 1700s.
Well... tacos weren't discovered they were invented. They were made for the first time in Mexico in the 1400s the exact date is unknown.
who invented eight ball billiards
they controlled the salt and gold trade