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It was invented around 1954 by Al Wheatly

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Q: When was the kids game cup and ball invented?
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ball in a cup

What is cuponk?

Cuponk is basically a game with a cup and a ping-pong type ball and the goal is to get the ball in the cup by preforming bouncing type tricks with the ball to try and bounce it in the cup. you must have some aiming skill to do this

What does temari's name mean?

a trational Japanese ball in cup game.

Who are the children that stand with the world cup players before the game?

They are kids from the country the world cup is in. For example, the 2010 world cup is in South Africa so the kids the players stand with are from South Africa.

Theres a ball in a cup how do you get that ball into another cup without toching the cup or the ball?

you have to flip the cup over

How do you play the game Cup and Ball?

*just try and get the ball in the cup like throwing and catching. *and never give up on it. *try over and over again. *follow the instructions wright.

What do you call the game when someone has cups and they put a ball under one and then mix all the cups up and then you guess which cup has the ball in it?

i will search

What did the children in World War 2 entertain?

They made puppets and They had this wood and carved it in to a cup and made a ball-they call it cup and ball. They read books and played conkers.The most popular game was tiddlywinks.

When was cup and ball made?

the cup and ball was made in august in 1987

What is the ball on top of the Webb Ellis cup?

it would make sense for the ball to be a soccer/football as that is where the game originated from, however it appears to be oblong in shape, maybe its just an original rugby ball...???


jabulani is a Zulu word meaning rejoice. it was the world cup 2010 south Africa game ball