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The word Fungo has several etymologies: may be derived from the word Fungus as they are stale and used for practice, not actual play, related, could be some sort of paradigim thing: One Goes, two Goes, Three Goes- Fun Goes! while tossing the ball.sort of a blend word Fun- plus Goes. a Fungo stick is thinner than an ordinary Baseball bat. Those are the etymologies of Fungo, I do not know who invented it, seems they used second-line bats for instructional purposes which makes sense like the reserves using second-line ( but perrfectly serviceable) weapons in the Armed Forces.l hand=me-downs. as it were.

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16y ago
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10y ago

The first regulations on baseball bats came about in 1859, this rule was that a bat couldn't be larger than 2.5 inches in diameter. Later in 1869 the bat could be no longer than 42 inches. The most famous baseball bats in history were brought about in 1884. The Louisville Slugger was made by John Hillerich in his woodworking shop.

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16y ago

The invention of the baseball bat cannot be credited to one person. At one time it was easy as picking up a stick and hitting a ball. The game of baseball evolved from a game called Rounders, and Cricket. early baseball bats were modeled after the bats used in theses sports.

19th century bats were generally heavier and considerably thicker in the handle and had more of a gradual taper from the handle to the barrel about" 3 feet long, round, tapered and was to be between an inch and a half at the handle to three inches at the barrel. In 1857, the dimensions agreed upon were described as round, not to be more than two and one-half inches around in its thickest part and was to be no longer than 42 inches.

The National League made two major changes for 1885. It was now legal to have 18 inches of the handle wrapped in twine and one side of the bat was allowed to be flat. The American Association adopted this rule when they followed the same rules as the National League in 1887. In 1893, the bat was no longer allowed to be flat on one side but was required to be round. The length was still limited to 42 inches and the thickness of the thickest part was still two and on-half inches. The thickness of the bat was increased to two and three-quarters inches in 1895 and remains the same today

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16y ago

Vodka Fish invented the modern baseball bats.

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What is a Coach's practice bat that ends in go?

That would be a fungo bat.

Why do you tape a fungo bat on the fat end?

Fungo bats are taped on the big end because they hit more balls than a regular bat and this protects the wood and allow it to last longer. Tape also allows the fungo hitter more traction off the bat so more fly balls or ground balls can be controlled better.

Where did the word fungo in baseball come from?

Nobody seems to know for sure. A couple of explanations are: 1) The word 'fungible' means 'something that is exchangable'. The bat used to hit practice ground/fly balls is lighter and thinner than a regular bat and fungo may have originated with the bat as it replaces a regular bat when hitting ground/fly balls for practice. 2) There was a child's game called fungo where a batter would hit fly balls and after one of the 'outfielders' caught a pre-determined amount, the outfielder and batter would switch places. Click on the 'Origins of Fungo' link below to read about the theories behind the term.

What is a fungo?

A fungo is a fielding practice drill in baseball in which a person deliberately hits fly balls in order to be caught.

Where was the baseball bat invented?

Louisville Kansas

What circles are not on-deck circles on a baseball field?

fungo circles

Who invented the aluminum baseball bat?

The first aluminum baseball bat was created in the year 1924. The inventor of the bat was named William Shroyer.

What town or city was the baseball bat invented?


Why was the baseball bat invented?

It was invented so that when playing baseball the players could hit the baseball with something to score runs.

The genius that invented the baseball bat?

History has not recorded who invented the bat. The bat has been needed for the game since its invention and early bats were made by private woodworkers.

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Who invented aluminum baseball bats?

The aluminum bat was invented by William Shroyer. He received his patent for the bat in 1924. However, they did not become popular with youth and college players until the 1970s.