Walter C. Camp
There was no single inventor of American football. It gradually evolved on Ivy League campuses in the 19th century from a kicking game to a game modeled after Rugby.
Walter Camp is often considered the "father of American football" because he was responsible for proposing many of the rules that gave our game its unique flavor. He invented the first scoring system, he proposed a line of scrimmage to replace the rugby scrum, and he created the down-and-distance system.
John Heisman (after whom the Heisman Trophy is named) was the biggest proponent for the forward pass, which wasn't legal until 1906.
Association Football (aka Soccer) was invented in England.
bob Jones invented the pig skin football.
English Football
There virginity
No they are two persons who made it possible.
the English invented football
Flag Football was invented in the year 1999 with someone
Association Football (aka Soccer) was invented in England.
bob Jones invented the pig skin football.
No, Football was "invented" in England.
Football was invented in the early 1800's. Basketball was invented in 1891.
It was invented by the English.
English Football
There virginity
No they are two persons who made it possible.
It was invented in 1956 at Colorado.
Football was invented by the English.