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Dr. James Naismith invented the game in 1891 for the YMCA. He wanted an indoor game that could be played in the winter months in Massachusetts. The first game was played with a soccer ball and 2 peach baskets with 13 rules for the game. As early as 1893 the game gained popularity and spread. By 1936 it was introduced as an Olympic game in Berlin. Naismith was flown to the games to watch. He died in 1939.

Much has changed about the game today including rules, court size, and the ball. The height of the baskets have change to accommodate the taller players.

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Q: Who invented basketball and how is it different to what you see today?
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What country did basketball originate in?

The United States Canada invented basketball actually. Yep James Naismith was born and went to school in Canada then invented it in the states as an exercise drill. He created the game and made the official rulebook on basketball as we know it today, although it was invented in America.

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Who helped invent basketball?

James Naismith started basketball(November 6, 1861 - November 28, 1939) was a Canadian and naturalized American sports coach and innovator. Naismith invented the sport of basketball in 1891 and is often credited with introducing the first football helmet. Naismith wrote the original basketball rulebook, founded the University of Kansas basketball program, and lived to see basketball adopted as an Olympic demonstration sport in 1904 and as an official event in 1936. Naismith's contributions to basketball have earned him several posthumous honors, such as in the Canadian Basketball Hall of Fame, the Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame, the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame, the Ontario Sports Legends Hall of Fame, the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame, the McGill University Sports Hall of Fame, the Kansas State Sports Hall of Fame and the FIBA Hall of Fame. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame carries his name.James Naismith

Was the writing in ancient Rome different from ours?

Latin was written in capital letters, and they had some letters that we see differently today e.g. V=U

Where do we see examples of Greek architecture today?

We see examples of Greek architecture today is the Parthenon. A Greek temple.

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What country did basketball originate in?

The United States Canada invented basketball actually. Yep James Naismith was born and went to school in Canada then invented it in the states as an exercise drill. He created the game and made the official rulebook on basketball as we know it today, although it was invented in America.

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James Naismith James A. Naismith invented the sport of basketball in 1891 and is often credited with introducing the first football helmet. He wrote the original basketball rulebook, founded the University of Kansas basketball program, and lived to see basketball adopted as an Olympic demonstration sport in 1904 and as an official event at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.

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