

Best Answer

Vancouver Canucks defenceman Willie Mitchell. He also has the best nickname in the NHL. Bill Pickle.

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Q: Who has the longest hockey stick in the NHL?
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What was the longest play time without a stoppage or whistle in NHL hockey?

10 minutes was the longest play time without a stoppage or whistle in NHL hockey.

What is the angle of a NHL hockey stick?


What NHL team is the home of the Curved hockey stick?


How many games does an average NHL hockey stick last?

about a month

How long is the longest stick in the NHL?

Zdeno Chara. His stick is 1.8m long (5'9")

When was the hockey stick manufactured?

They were invented around 100 years before the NHL was started.

When did NHL Hockey happen?

NHL Hockey happened in 1991.

When did easton invent synergy hockey stick?

Easton rolled out the Synergy technology in 2000. However, most NHL players started using the stick on a large scale in the 2000-2001 NHL season.

Does Colorado have an NHL hockey team?

yes there is a NHL hockey team and the team is called The Colarado Avalanche

What is a NHL jerseys?

nhl jersey is as same as hockey jersey.Nhl means National Hockey League.

When did NHL Eastside Hockey Manager happen?

NHL Eastside Hockey Manager happened in 2004.

What is NHL in French?

The National Hockey League (NHL) in French is League Nationale de Hockey (LNH).