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Zdeno Chara. His stick is 1.8m long (5'9")

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Q: How long is the longest stick in the NHL?
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Who has the longest hockey stick in the NHL?

Vancouver Canucks defenceman Willie Mitchell. He also has the best nickname in the NHL. Bill Pickle.

How long is zdeno chara's stick?

1.80metres. The NHL made an exception to their regulation rule on stick length. 1.80metres. The NHL made an exception to their regulation rule on stick length. 1.80metres. The NHL made an exception to their regulation rule on stick length.

How did the NHL determine how long Zdeno Chara's stick could be?

The limit for NHL players is 65 inches. So I would guess his is 65 also.

Which country holds the record for the longest stick insect?

Borneo holds the record for the longest insect in the world, the Stick-Insect Pharnacia kirbyi, the females of which can be over 36cm long (14 inches).

What was the longest play time without a stoppage or whistle in NHL hockey?

10 minutes was the longest play time without a stoppage or whistle in NHL hockey.

Philadelphia flyers - Longest Overtime game?

the Philadelphia Flyers defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins 2-1 on May 4, 2000. This is the third longest game in NHL history but the longest game in modern NHL history.

What is the angle of a NHL hockey stick?


Who has the longest NHL shift?

Alexei (Alex) Kovalev (Montreal Canadiens,) currently holds the longest NHL shift, at over 8 minutes in length. He was given this shift not as a reward, but for punishment for taking too long of shifts during the game. Kovalev netted a goal towards the end of this shift.

What current player has been in the NHL the longest?

chris chelios ?

Who is the longest tenured NHL coach of all time?


How long was the longest hockey game ever?

The longest NHL game ever played was 176:30 between Detroit and Montreal on March 24,1936 in Montreal with Detroit winning the game 1-0.

Is the Tropical stick insect the largest insect in the world?

no! the stick insect is not the largest insect living but the longest insect living today.....