Lenin was a follower of Marxism, the philosophy propounded by Karl Marx.
Karl Marx had a great influence on Lenin.
No. It was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Nikolai Chernyevksy and Georgii Plekhanov also greatly influenced Lenin's revolutionary beliefs. Chernyevsky wrote the revolutionary novel, "What Is To Be Done" in 1862. Lenin was so influenced by this novel that he gave his own revolutionary pamphlet the same name. He even styled himself along the lines of the hero of the book, a man named Rakhmetev. One author of Russian history stated that Lenin read this novel five times in one summer. Plekhanov wrote a book called "On the Question of Developing a Monistic View of History" in 1895. This is the book that brought Marxism to Russia. For this reason, Plekhanov is often referred to as the founder of Russian Marxism.
There were two. However, they could be combined into one. Nicholas II would not have liked it, seeing as he and his family lost power. Marx was dead for about twenty years before the revolution, but as the man who thought up the ideas of communism, it was his proletariat revolution. Lenin and Trotsky liked it very much, as it put them in power.
Lenin was a follower of Marxism, the philosophy propounded by Karl Marx.
Karl Marx had a great influence on Lenin.
Karl Marx
Karl Marx Karl marx
Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin
No, there is no evidence to suggest that Karl Marx used the term "useful idiots." This phrase is often attributed to Vladimir Lenin, who reportedly used it to describe individuals who unintentionally served the interests of a hostile power.
No. It was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Lenin followed many but not all, of Karl Marx's ideas.
1.Karl Marx 2vladimir Lenin 3.Mao Zedong
Karl Marx with his theories on economocs, history, sociology and politics.
Yes and he also represents Karl Marx.
Lenin or Karl Marx