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Q: Which political party was responsible for the Russian october revolution of 1917?
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Which Russian political party was defeated by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution?

The Uzbehkistan Court of Liberty

How did organization of russia into republics help the bolsheviks gain and hold political control?

Organization of Russia into republics helped the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control because it led to the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution.

What revolution took place at the end of ww1?

The Russian Revolution (The October Revolution)

What is another term for the Russian revolution?

There were four Russian Revolutions. The first one was the Revolution of 1905. Then there was the February Revolution of 1917, then the more widely known one, the October Revolution, which is also named the Great October Socialist Revolution, Red October, October Uprising, or the Bolshevik Uprising. The latest was the 1991 Revolution, which ended the Soviet Union and formed the Russian Federation.

What were the three stages of the Russian Revolution?

The three stages of the "Russian Revolution" were the 1905 Revolution after Bloody Sunday, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917.

When did the Russian Revolution occur?

The "Russian Revolution" that everyone is familiar with occurred in 1917. It consisted of two separate rebolutions, the February Revolution and the October Revolution.

What month did the Russian october revolution take place?

The October Revolution was part of the Russian Revolution - that started in Petrograd. It occured on 25 October 1917 according to the Julian calendar, or 7 November 1917 according to the Gregorian calendar.

What is a good opening sentence for Russian revolution history essay?

Try this: "The "Russian Revolution" was actually three revolutions: the 1905 Revolution, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917."

What led to the end of the russian empire?

Is called the October Revolution of 1917.

What revolution did Lenin lead?

Lenin's Revolution is known as the October Revolution of 1917 or the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. There had been another Russian Revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, but Lenin did not figure in that at all. He rose to power because of the October Revolution.

Was the russian revolution of 1917 let by the nazis?

Nazis did not lead the Russian Revolution. There were two revolutions in 1917. The February revolution was not led by anyone. It happened spontaneously. The October Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin.

What was the name used by Russian Communists which stood for the bloodshed of violent revolution?

The "October Revolution" is another name, but not a 'nickname' of the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, the October Revolution has come to be the preferred, perhaps even formal, historical name for the event in order to distinguish the Bolshevik Revolution from the one that occurred in February (Russian calendar) which has come to be known as the February Revolution.