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Paralympic games.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Special Olympics.

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Who could qualify for the special Olympics?

It is the Olympic Games for people with learning disabilities. They are different to the Olympics and the Paralympics. See the link below.

When did Seattle host the Olympics?

The Olympics were nevered held in Seattle, Washington.

How Many people were at the 1924 olympic games?

There were 60 000 people at the 1924 Olympic Games.

Who takes part in Olympic games?

lots of people who are famous take part in the Olympic games.

How was the olympic games in ancient Greece the same as today's olympic games?

They both had people in it and judges and prizes

Who COMPETED in the greek olympic games?

The Greek people and Athenians and Spartans competed in the Olympic games of Greek.

How do people prepare for the Olympic games?


Who has cheated in the olympic games?

Lots of people

What kind of sports do the people do at Olympic Games?


What are the differences between the modern and the ancient Olympic games?

people did older sports in the older Olympic games, where people could die. also it was not on TV.

Who many people are in the Olympic games?

i think 500 people

How is the Olympic torch transportd to each Olympic games?

Lots of different people carry it from some some were and take it to the games