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Q: Where was Walter Camp inventor of American football born?
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Why is Walter Camp important?

Walter Camp transformed rugby football into American football. For more information about Walter Camp see the link below.

Who was the inventor of footballs?

Walter Camp is called the 'Father of American Football'. Click on the Walter Camp link on this page to read about him. Walter Camp is actually credited with inventing football. He was a former player & coach at Yale and developed the basic rules by combining soccer with rugby. Rinus Michel was the inventor/creator of total football or the use of all 11 men on each play. In the early stages of football if a play went left only the players on that side would participate. Though Camp developed the idea without Michel, football would not be what it is today. Answer walter camp is the true inventer of football

Who made American football?

Walter camp

He is the father of american football-?

The Father of Football is Walter Camp. He was a football player, sports writer, and a coach. He created the system of downs in the game and the line of scrimmage.

What is the name of the person who founded American football?

Walter camp

Who made the American football?

Walter Camp coach at Yale in 1879.

Who was Walter Camp?

walter camp didn't actually invent football, contrary to popular belief. he was a freshman on an early havard team that played mcgill university and yale under the first football like rules. he is known as the father or football NOT the inventor. later on he published these rules. == ==

What was Walter camp known for?

He helped invent Gridiron which is taken from Canadian Football, which in turn cam from Rugby league.he invented American football, we know as NFL.

What is Walter camps full name the inventor of football?

The game of football played in America was developed through rules started by Walter Chauncey Camp. His main contributions were the line of scrimmage and downs as in first down etc.

What are three changes Walter Camp did to soccer to make football?

Walter Camp didn't invent American football out of soccer. American football was already developing -- Camp just added innovations that began to move American football away from rugby, including rules for down and distance, a system of points for scoring, and the establishment of 11 players per side. Camp was also one of only many early pioneers who pushed for the legalization of the forward pass.

What was Walter camp called in football?

a football player

Who invented American foot ball?

Walter Camp was a pioneer of American football, though it was not invented, but derived from Europe's rugby