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The umpire stands behind the defensive line and looks for holding on the offensive line. In the NFL the umpire stands behind the offensive line opposite the referee and looks at the line for holding and other infractions.

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Q: Where is the umpire stand in a football game?
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How much does a umpire in the NFL make?

How much does an NFL Umpire make for a playoff football game?

Who judges the football match?

The judge of a baseball game is called an umpire.

Why do you need an umpire in football?

They make sure the game is fair.

What should a umpire do in football?

Probably go find a baseball game.

What is an umpire in football?

He's the referee responsible for line infractions and short yardage infractions. He used to always stand behind the defensive line, but now only stands there at clutch moments in a game.

Who is someone who keeps score at a game?

A score keeper. =D tennis ~ umpire football ~ referee

How many people umpire a netball game?

usually 2. They stand at different sides of the court to one an other. One umpire controls one half and the other umpire controls the other half.

How many judges in a football game?

7 or 8 depending on tornament in the professionals including the chair umpire.

What do you call a person in charge of a football game?

A referee usually controls a football match

When was Ian Robinson - Australian football umpire - born?

Ian Robinson - Australian football umpire - was born in 1946.

What is the name given to the person in charge of a game of badminton?

An umpire is in charge of the game.

Why is there an umpire in football?

No, just referees.