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Barrett Browning of the Salt Lake Bees answer: Q: Eric Nelson: What are the living arrangements for a Minor League Player?

Barrett Browning: We really just try to cram as many guys as we can into an apartment to keep rent as cheap as possible. But for the lower levels up until Double-A, we live with host familiesQ: Eric Nelson: What are the living arrangements for a Minor League Player?

Barrett Browning: We really just try to cram as many guys as we can into an apartment to keep rent as cheap as possible. But for the lower levels up until Double-A, we live with host families

Q: Eric Nelson: What are the living arrangements for a Minor League Player?

Barrett Browning: We really just try to cram as many guys as we can into an apartment to keep rent as cheap as possible. But for the lower levels up until Double-A, we live with host families

We really just try to cram as many guys as we can into an apartment to keep rent as cheap as possible. But for the lower levels up until Double-A, we live with host families.

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Each team has nine players in the field when they are not batting,so at least 18. All the players on the roster could play at some time in the game. The number of players on the roster is 25, I think, during most of the season . It is allowed to be larger early in the season and late in the season .

How many Major League Baseball baseball players are there?

There are 30 Major League Baseball teams. Each has 25 players, so there are 750 players in the Major Leagues. From September 1 through the end of the regular season (usually the first Sunday in October) teams can expand their roster to 40 players, so during that period there can be 1,200 Major League Baseball players. Teams also have 10 players on their A, AA and AAA minor league affiliates

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The Major League Baseball strike occurred in 1994. It began on August 12 and lasted until the end of the season, resulting in the cancellation of the World Series for the first time since 1904.

How many people are on a Major League Baseball team?

During Spring Training, there is no limit for how many players a Major League Baseball team can have but during the regular season all 30 teams will only have 25 players on their roster unless the 26th man rule is in event for a double header between two games. Starting on September 1st, teams can up players from their Minor League teams so that they can have a total of 40 players on their roster. During the Postseason only 25 players are allowed on a roster.

On average how much money do major league baseball players make a season?

5 to 8 million dollars

How many baseball games in a regular season?

There are a total of 162 games for each Major League Baseball team during the Regular Season.

What was the average salary of a Major League Baseball player in 1969?

According to numbers published by the Major League Baseball Players Association, the average player salary in 1969 was $24,909. The league minimum that season was $10,000.